Saturday, October 9, 2021

Make 2022 Awesome

The sun is starting to come out from behind the clouds. Just a month ago I shared my feeling that 2022 was not going to be much better than 2021. Since then the Covid-19 situation has improved dramatically. Sadly the death rate is higher, which can be attributed to the Delta variant, but new cases have been decreasing significantly and there is no reason to think this trend should not continue.

One thing I said earlier is still true. I really want to complete an Ironman, and I feel like I won’t get too many more chances. There is a fitness aspect, and a financial aspect. These are the kinds of challenges that every athlete faces. A big part of a coach's work is to help their athletes deal with such issues. Being self coached means I get to help myself. 

What I decided to do is to start planning 2022 with the goal of doing an Ironman. First I developed some basic criteria.

  1. Moderate temperature.

  2. Not too hilly.

  3. Nice local.

  4. Good accommodations.

  5. Not in a red state.

When Ironman announcement IM Alaska I was intrigued by criteria #3, a great looking location. The more I thought about it the more I realized it fell short of the other four.

It did not take me very long to settle on Cozumel. It is in a foreign country, but it’s Mexico. Should not be a problem. On the plus side, the swim is in a river that flows from the start to the finish, which makes it just a bit easier than a lake or ocean swim, and the water is warm enough that a wet suit is not necessary. Living in Hawaii, a wetsuit presents significant additional expense and will take some getting used to. And I will confess that I asked some old friends who have done it.

There are many possible criteria that an athlete might use in choosing a race. They may prefer to drive to their venue (not an option in Hawaii!). They may prefer to camp for the week. They may prefer something closer to home, so that more friends and family can come and celebrate the experience. They may prefer something more exotic. Maybe they have already done Florida, or Texas, or Arizona, and are looking for something more challenging. It is not uncommon for an experienced athlete to pick an easy course looking to get a Kona slot. 

It helps to have someone to talk to. Choosing an “A” race, building a training plan to get you there in the best possible shape, monitoring progress, and making all of the small adjustments that reflect the individual’s adaptations and disruptions. Life will get in the way. Success means dealing with whatever happens as best you can. No book or canned training plan can do that.

Now that I have decided to aim for an Ironman in 2022, and have settled on Cozumel, the next step is commitment. I am still at "I want to." I'll be sure and let you know when I reach "I am."

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